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Re: Administrivia about this list

>From: YANDROS @ SMTP (yandros) {yandros@MIT.EDU}
>Date: Wednesday, August 24, 1994 7:43PM
>Think of it this way:
>It's very important to WWW server security that the planet upon which
>the servers rest not be reduced to radioactive ash.  Perhaps you'd
>like to lead us in a song of hope and sharing, so as to avert this
>extremely relevant crisis?
>The list is (in my impression) most concerned with discussion about
>security in the world wide web, including authorization,
>certification, and encryption.

Sorry, but I look at it this way:

  If the server itself isn't secure, than all the encryption, authorization 
and certification you do is worthless.
After all, if I want to 'steal' digital cash, the best place to do so is on 
a server - your server. After all, if I can beat you to the bank, then its 


| Dave Kearns
| Thomas-Conrad Corp.
| 1908-R Kramer Lane Austin, TX 78758
| (512) 836-1935
| dkearns@klaven.tci.com
| dkearns@tcc [MHS]
| 76704,62 [CompuServe]
| http://www.tci.com/